Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing: The Commercial

Today in class my group members and I finished filming our commercial. We completed scenes one and four. Scene one was the shot where we walked out of McDonald's talking. Scene four was the trunk shot that showed our reaction to what was inside. When we arrived back to class we exported the previous scenes and the scenes that we just filmed onto Google Drive. Today we were also supposed to start editing our commercial, but we could not. The reason is, because half of the computers didn't work and on the other half the software was down. The software that I am referring to is Pinnacle Studios. Pinnacle Studios is the software that we use to edit our commercial. It is found on the desktop of every computer in class.

As a result of the malfunctioning computers and software, we spent the rest of the class working on other aspects of the project that didn't require either the computer or software. For example, we exported the footage, went over the scenes and dialogue, and began to type this blog. To export the footage we had to go back to the computer we used the previous class. However, to our surprise it was taken. Another group was using it to type their blogs. So, we had to wait until we they were finished to export the footage. Next, one of my group members dumped and uploaded the scenes that we filmed today on her Google Drive. We then went over the scenes and dialogue. We made sure that we had the proper order of the scenes and that the dialogue matched, or transitioned properly into the next scene. Lastly, we began to type this blog in the last 40 minutes of class.

For the next class we plan to edit all of our scenes together to create a smooth commercial. We have yet to record the voice over of us singing the McDonald's jingle. This will be implemented in the sixth scene of the commercial. Along with that, in the sixth scene there will also be a fade out to show the McDonald's logo. This logo is the two golden arcs on a plain red background. To add on, we also have to add in the Barbie "You can be anything theme song". This will be implemented during the fifth scene of the commercial. Hopefully next class the computers and software will be up and running ready for us to use. Also that we will be a little more productive. I think it's going to be great!

Friday, October 25, 2019

First Day of Filming

Today we began our first day of filming. We filmed scenes 2,3,5, and 6. We filmed just those scenes because they all took place at the same location, the patio, and because we ran out of time to film the other scenes. In the scenes that we filmed, we used different camera angles and shots. In the second scene we did a wide angle and a pan, in the third scene we did a close up and a wide angle, in the fifth scene we did a wide angle, and in the sixth scene we did a eye- level and high angle. In the commercial I had the role of one of the children. In the second scene where my character stated what she wanted to be when she grew up, the occupation was a pilot. As a result, the Barbie Doll that my character had was the pilot Barbie. Playing this character was a breeze and a fun experience. It took me back to the time when I was younger, and restored that child like wonder.

The filming process was exhilarating. We were allowed to take a step back into the past, and relive the happy memories. Even if we messed up it was all smiles and laughs. We just kept reshooting and still made good progress. Majority of our props were there. We were also able to stick to the plan on the storyboard without making changes. I feel very confident in how this film is going to turn out.

During this process there were some limitations though. We didn’t have the the Happy Meal Box and the contents that come inside. This was supposed to be scene four; that’s why we skipped it. Another limitation was that we couldn’t film anywhere inside of our school. Luckily, we had a backup plan to film on the patio if we couldn’t in the library. However, the weather wasn’t in our favor. It was extremely hot; this caused me personally to be a bit uncomfortable due to my hyperhidrosis. It was also extremely sunny; this caused us to keep moving our positions and the position of the camera because we couldn’t be seen. A final limitation was that there were many groups outside at that same location, the patio, this made it difficult to properly carry out the filming to our expectations because of all the noise. Regardless of all of these limitations, we were still able to be very productive.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today my group members and I started and completed our storyboard. In the first scene, the commercial opens up with an establishing shot. In this shot the outside of McDonalds is displayed. In the second scene, the two children and their mother are walking out of McDonalds to sit in the outside eating area. While they are walking out the children discuss what they want to be when they grow up. Next, in the third scene, the children and their mother are seen sitting at the table outside, and the children are continue to discuss what they want to be when they grow up. A McDonalds employee then walks up to them to take their order. In the fourth scene, this will be a cutaway scene, where the camera zooms in on the mother ordering two Happy Meals for her daughters from the employee. In the fifth scene the children have received their Happy Meals. They will then open the box and observe the contents inside. When they open the box it will be a trunk shot to show their reactions to what’s inside. The children are surprised and ecstatic to see the toy that’s  inside the box is a Barbie doll that portrays what they want to be when they grow up. In the last scene, the sixth scene, the camera zooms out on the happy children eating their meal and playing with their dolls, and the mother watching and smiling at her happy children. During this scene the Barbie theme song plays in the background. The commercial then fades out to the McDonalds logo and plays the jingle in the background.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

Today in class I learned the functions of the camera that we will be using for filming, and the ins and outs to editing my footage. Staring with the camera I learned the basic operations such as how to turn it on and off, how to know when it’s on, and how to operate it using the tripod. First open the camera screen and you look to the right where you will see the power switch. You will then turn on the camera; once you see the screen come on then you know that it’s on. Anything that the camera has seen from when you turn it on to when you turn it off is called a take. The take that you actually use in the film is called the shot. The more takes you have the better shot you have. If the SD card isn’t going in smoothly it’s wrong; if this happens take it out but pressing on it, then place it in the slot correctly. Moving on to the tripod, this is the adjustable device that will hold your camera while you are filming. Once installed it will allow you to pan, tilt, and shoot a tracking shot. To install it you will first need to take off the plate by pulling the lever. Then, you will notice a spring like part and a screw on the top. These parts match the bottom of the camera; you will then attach the camera to the plate by joining the parts. You will screw the stew part to the right to tighten it. After this is done you will then attach the plate back onto the tripod.

To upload and edit your footage to the computer you will need to login and look for the pinnacle studio on the desktop. Every group will be using one computer, and since the data will be saved onto one group members’ account you must ensure that the initial group members’ information is used every time to log on. When Pinnacle Studio is open, right click on the desktop and open a folder then name it. You will then pop in your SD card reader. Open the folder labeled “DCIM”. In this folder you will see all of your footage organized by date in their own individual folder. If you can’t find your footage, click on “private” then click “AVCHD”. After this click “next folder” then click “stream”. Everything that’s on your SD card will pop up. Highlight and drag any missing footage to your folder.

Whenever you return the camera dump your footage. This is when you remove all of your footage and put it on the computer. A cord that comes in your camera bag will allow you to dump your footage. The process that you will use to upload the footage from the laptop to the program is called importing. To do this click on the “Edit” board then go next to it and  click “ import”. After you do this a pop up will appear. On this pop up go to “desktop” and click the “+”. Then go to media and all of your footage should pop up. The footage that pops up will be your raw footage, the uncut, untouched, and non-enhanced footage. When your footage is loading do not touch anything until the completely yellow bar turns completely green. To cut your footage bring your play bar to the part that you would like to cut, then click the razor blade icon. This will split your footage and allow you to delete it. If you have made a mistake, click the undo icon to reverse it. To see your editing options, right click on the footage. In the options you will see transitions, effects, etc... If you wish to add a title click the “t” icon and type in your title. You will also be able to modify/ change the font as needed. Once it has loaded click and drag it above the clip that you want it to appear on. To decide how it enters click on effects and choose the one to your liking.

If the program freezes close it, then open it back up. When it opens up click continue editing. To save your work go to file and click “save as”. When you are completely done with your editing you will export your footage. You will then exit the window that is currently open and minimize the program. To make sure that your work is saved, open your film and watch it. When you watch it you should see that it was rendered. Rendering is when everything that you did was put altogether and made clean and smooth.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Props, Costumes, Schedule, Location List, Backup Plan

Our Happy Meal commercial is going to relate to the commercials that McDonalds has recently aired. It will consist of the same theme and be formatted similarly. The theme will be based off of the toy that is currently being given out with the Happy Meals. Currently there are two toys that McDonalds will be using from now to October 14,2019: Barbie and Hot Wheels. The toy they we will be using in this commercial is the Barbie; more specifically the “You can be anything” themed dolls. Three out of four of us, including myself, will be acting as little kids in Primary school. The last group member will be posing as a cashier at McDonalds. The three of us will state what we want to be when we grow up; the commercial will then cut to the next scene by use of cross cutting. This next scene will take place at McDonalds and show the toy.

To set the scene, we’re going to film outside of our school, Fort Lauderdale High School, at the front in the car loop on the first day of filming. In this scene we will state what we what to be when we grow up one by one. On the second day of filming the next scene is taking place, and will take place in McDonalds where we walk up to the cash register and order our Happy Meals. And in each meal there will be a Barbie that represents what we want to be when we grow up. The props that we will be using are the McDonalds Happy Meal box and the contents that come in it: the sandwich/ chicken nuggets, a small fries, small drink (milk, juice, or soda), apple slices, and a toy. The cashier will be wearing full black attire to look like a McDonalds employee. This costume will include a black visor, black shirt, black shoes, and black pants. The three of us that are posing as little kids will be wearing a childish t- shirt and a pair of jeans. For the locations we plan on filming at the front of our school and then McDonalds. If this doesn’t go according to plan we will film scenes in the Media center or the Senior Patio at our school.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Blog: Commercial Conventions

The company that my classmates and I have chosen is McDonald's. We are advertising the Happy Meal. The Happy Meal is a popular meal for kids. It consists of a sandwich/ chicken nuggets, a small order of fries, a small drink, apple slices, and a toy. This meal was created in 1979 and is still a big hit today. The styles and certain techniques used in their commercials appeal to the audience and grasps their attention. Their commercials feature families of different races and different backgrounds, this makes it more relatable to everyone watching. These families are seen laughing, playing, dancing, and eating. Anytime there's a specific toy advertised in the meal, the toy/theme used is popular with the kids at the moment. As a result, kids will be more attracted to it and parents would buy it to please them. Another appealing factor of the Happy Meal is the packaging it comes in. The packaging is a bright red box with the famous golden arches as handles. On the box you may see a smiley face, a classic famous character, or the theme/ or toy that is currently in the spotlight.

McDonald's commercials also feature their trademark slogan "I'm lovin' it", along with the musical melody "buh da buh buh buhhh". These are shown/ heard at the end of the commercial to give a playful, light feeling that the audience will enjoy and remember. When doing this they used multiple techniques: the annoyingness and catchiness technique, the musical technique, and the catchy/ strong message technique. Advertisements use the annoyingness and catchiness technique when they portray a distinct person, theme, or tune. Due to it being annoying and/or catchy the viewer will be thinking about it non-stop.  The music technique happens when advertisers play a particular song that has a meaning or is very popular. The catchy/ strong message technique is when the advertisers show something that sticks in your head. McDonald's also uses songs, costumes, and characters that relate to the toy or movie that they are advertising. For example, when the live-action version of  Disney's The Lion King came out in 2019, McDonald's aired a popular commercial that used this theme. The commercial featured the famous song "Hakuna Matata" throughout the commercial. The family in the commercial dressed up as the characters from the movie and enacted a scene where Simba, Pumba, and Timon walk in a straight line and sang the song previously mentioned.

In conclusion, McDonald's uses various techniques to grab the audiences' attention. Even though they use a lot of the same techniques, they are still a very successful business that never disappoints. From their debut of the Happy Meal in 1979, they have created a family-friendly environment that is still going strong to this day. McDonald's has a way of knowing what people want and providing it; this keeps consumers attracted and loyal to the company. Happy meals are a well portioned, affordable, and fun meal that will always please the kids.


Hi, my name is Jahrvia and I'm a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. I am currently a majorette co-captain for the FLHS Silver Wingettes team. I was born on January 13; I'm a Capricorn. I don't necessarily have a favorite color; I have a few which are red, blue, yellow, black, and, gold. I enjoy various activities such as baton twirling, dancing, designing, shopping, and event planning. A few traits that describe me are friendly, enthusiastic, caring, funny, quiet, determined, ambitious, and high strung. Like most I have a few pet peeves: hypocrites, people that are just plain rude, and people that are selfish.
When I graduate High School I plan on attending Florida State University (FSU), with help from the Bright Futures Scholarship and other scholarships. There I will study entrepreneurship or business management. After I graduate from FSU I plan to attend graduate school at another University that has a great business program and a great band. These are two aspects that are very important to me. The business program will help me to learn the ins and outs in the field that I plan on pursuing when I'm out of college. A great band is important to me because when I graduate I know for a fact that I will miss the Marching Band. The thrill of performing and the accomplished feeling that you get after just can't be beat. Also, when I'm in college I want to be able to enjoy myself, and band is the perfect activity. The program will allow me to be on point with my grades while still allowing me to have fun.
I have many goals set for the future. The main goal I have is to become a household name, being known for making a positive and inspirational impact on the world. I want to become an entrepreneur, and have my own empire. I want to start off with event planning and on the side do fashion designing. With the event planning I want to be one of the best and well known ones in the world. To help accomplish this, when I turn 18-years-old I want to invest in land. When I'm ready I plan on building a club from the ground up on this land. Eventually I want to have a club in every country or at least every continent. In my clubs I will provide jobs for people that have trouble getting them like ex- cons and teens. As for fashion designing I want to create my own luxury brand, and have an outlet in every country or at least every continent along with the club. What inspired me to do this is my love for all things fashion and icons such as Virgil Abloh, Gianni Versace, and Louis Vuttion. I hope to achieve all of my goals before the age of 40.

Audiences and Institutions Essay

6. To what extent is digital distribution vital to the media area you have studied In a world where different technological innovations ...