Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research:

In order for my group members and I to learn more about adding titles into the beginning of our films, we were told to take a look at two websites. One of these websites is called aka"Art of the Title" which is a website that is used for showing title sequences at the beginning of films. When a person clicks on the website a grey background will appear with posters from movies such as "the Politician". This website is a good website for learning about title sequences because it gives background information of the movie as well as a visual of the title sequences being shown. Located at the top of the home page is a drop box that gives people the option view all titles or to view all features. There's also a search box in the right corner so that people can just search up a film instead of exploring the sight to find it. It's basically a quicker way to find what you are looking for. This website also has a box at the top of the page with the names of designers as well as studios. Another good thing about this sight is that it doesn't just give the titles of movies it also gives titles for things such as short films and tv shows. The films that are on this sight date back to the 1900's all the way to 2020. The films on this site include many different genres such as: horror, comedy. action, and even thrillers. In addition, to what was previously mentioned this site is also good because the films are organized in chronological order. If they weren't in chronological order then it would be harder to find what you are looking for. In my opinion, this website is truly a helpful website. Not only for its titles but for the information that comes with it as well. All in all, this is a website that I would recommend to others if they are wondering about how titles work.

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